
Candles glow at the Janne Puhakka monument in Helsinki | Yle news

Candles glow at the Janne Puhakka monument in Helsinki | Yle news

Monday’s event was organized by the Finnish League for Human Rights, LGBTIQ rights group Seta and Helsinki Pride.

A large group of people gathered on Helsinki’s Senate Square for a memorial service on Monday Janne Puhakkaa former professional hockey player who police suspect was him murdered by his ex-partner earlier this month.

The early evening event was organized by the Finnish League for Human Rights, LGBTIQ rights group Seta and Helsinki Pride.

Many people on a dark Senate Square during a candle commemoration.

People placed candles on the steps of Helsinki Cathedral. Image: Petteri Bulow / Yle

Puhakka was the first professional hockey player in Finland to publicly reveal his homosexuality. That was him found dead in his home in the Henttaa district of Espoo in mid-October.

Annu Kemppijnencommunity director of Helsinki Pride, said it was important to attend Monday’s commemoration and described Puhakka as an exceptional bridge builder between the sporting world and the rainbow community.

Tommy Lindgrenwho works with the human rights league’s sports arm, Team Human Rights, said Puhakka was an extremely courageous and important role model.

A person placing a candle on the steps of Helsinki Cathedral.

Image: Petteri Bulow / Yle

“He drew attention to the structure of sports organizations and reminded sports clubs and federations of their human rights responsibilities,” Lindgren told the crowd in Senate Square as he stood next to hundreds of candles lit in Puhakka’s memory.

Lindgren noted that Puhakka has spoken in podcasts about rainbow rights in sports.

“Janne was an extremely important pioneer in Finland, but also internationally. His death has shocked many people,” said Lindgren.