
Career Academy helps students pursue potential careers with CareerView VR

Career Academy helps students pursue potential careers with CareerView VR

BISMARCK, ND (KFYR) – There are so many career paths students can choose after graduating high school.

To ensure students know their options, Bismarck Career Academy has CareerView VR headsets that provide career simulations.

Jayde Madson watches various simulations of welding careers in her Empower Ed classes with the CareerView VR headset.

“We’re almost exposing ourselves to different careers that we might not have thought about just because of our location, and that might not be offered to us here at Career Academy,” said Jayde Madson, a student.

The Empower Ed classes are personalized education programs designed for juniors and seniors. They integrate core subjects with community-embedded career and technical education (CTE) projects and courses.

“So I mainly looked into medical careers because I would like to be a nurse when I’m older, and that allowed me to see what they go through on a daily basis,” said Ethan Slag, a student.

He said the programs are very immersive and show you everything in a typical environment.

“I think some people are torn between maybe two different careers, and it will allow them to, you know, kind of compare and contrast without having to actually explore that career,” Slag said.

This helps remove barriers to exploration such as bad weather, costs and transportation.

“If they want to do a job shadow, they can just put on headphones and explore from there. So yeah, it’s definitely a good tool for that purpose too. And also our students who may have a disability and may not be able to physically get to a workplace. It is also another option for our transition advisors,” says Pete Rubke, career advisor.

He said students have the opportunity to experience 83 videos, packed with different careers.